When you borrow money, your financial institution calculates compound interest on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods. Essentially, debt grows faster because interest is earned on interest. The number of compounding periods (annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, daily) makes a significant difference. Generally, the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the amount of compound interest.
This contrasts with simple interest, which financial institutions calculate only on the principal amount. Debt grows more slowly because you pay interest on the principal only. Interest is constant over time and does not compound.
The impact of compound interest on loans is higher total cost. Because interest compounds, the total amount you will pay over the life of the loan is higher compared to simple interest loans. Your monthly payments may include both principal and accrued interest, and the amount of interest can vary depending on how frequently it compounds.
Suppose you borrow $10,000 at a 10 percent annual interest rate with the principal and interest due as a lump sum in three years.
If the loan attracts simple interest, the calculation will be as follows:
Year 1: $10,000 times 10% = $1,000
Year 2: $10,000 times 10% = $1,000
Year 3: $10,000 times 10% = $1,000
Total interest: $3,000.
Total repayment: $13,000 ($10,000 plus $3,000)
However, if the loan attracts compound interest, the calculation will be as follows:
Year 1: $10,000 times 10% = $1,000
Year 2: $11,000 ($10,000 plus $1,000) times 10% = $1,100
Year 3: $12,100 ($11,000 plus $1,100) times 10% = $1,210
Total interest: $3,310.
Total repayment: $13,310 ($10,000 plus $3,3,10)
You end up paying $310 more with compound interest. In this example, a three-year loan with interest compounded once a year was used. However, if interest is compounded more frequently and for a longer term, the difference between compound and simple interest increases.